Thursday April 27, 5 – 7pm How do we understand the economic infrastructures that enable the exhibition of art? Join Open Studio Artist in Residence Joshua Schwebel as he applies this question to Sackville, Mount Allison and Struts Gallery.
Joshua is a trans artist based in Montreal (Tiohti:áke) and Berlin. Since graduating from NSCAD’s MFA program, Schwebel has become known for practicing a particularly direct form of site-specific institutional critique, undertaken through international exhibitions, fellowships and residencies. Joshua Schwebel's artistic practice responds to sites and situations, looking at the infrastructures that create the preconditions for the exhibition and valorization of art.
Joshua is developing a long-term research project investigating the relationship between philanthropy and resource extraction. This is the second phase of his residency. The research in Sackville will focus on Pierre Lassonde, former chair of both the Canada Council for the Arts and the Musée Nationale de Beaux Arts in Quebec, art collector, and gold mining magnate.
Joshua’s talk will last an hour and a half.
Masks are mandatory inside Struts Gallery.
Refreshments will be served outside after the talk. photo credit: Paul Litherland