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Claire Hunter | TimeShare Mentee | Project Update

A still from a film project. The Artist looks at the camera. We are able to see them from the shoulders up. Their skin looks yellow, they are not wearing a shirt, and they have thick black eyeliner on. Layered in front of them, slightly to the viewer's left, is the artist in a blue morph suit. The morph suit has circular pins with images of eyes, a nose and a mouth, pinned to the corresponding body parts. The pin images are a natural skin tone, unlike the saturated color of the rest of the still. The background is a yellow green fabric backdrop, some soft folds visible.
Still from in progress work

TimeShare Mentee Claire Hunter has been making and filming up a storm. They have been working with this year's TimeShare mentor, Lisa Birke. The final work will be presented at a later date (to be announced).

"The piece is about experiencing a disconnect between body and mind. Not only when dealing with dysphoria, but when thinking of the past self/future self. How past hardships feel like years ago and how past selves don't feel like the person you are today. In the video work I have clips of me crying after hearing some unexpected news versus the skin suit me who still has no emotions. The skin suit begins to have more buttons, like stop motion, to morph like a shedding of the skin!"


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