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Exhibition | Josh Schwebel | One Hand Washes the Other

Updated: Oct 1, 2024

Sep 27 – November 30

Opening: Friday, September 27, 5 - 7pm

One Hand Washes the Other examines exchanges between resource extraction, wealth, and art in so-called Canada, a colonial nation built on the plunder of conquered land, and represented by wilderness landscapes (without people). This project looks specifically at philanthropy given to art from the spoils of resource extraction. It questions why this money is accepted by cultural institutions, and what is purchased with these so-called gifts. This particular exhibition departs from gold mining financier Pierre Lassonde's gift to Mount Allison University Fine Art Department, newly renamed as the Pierre Lassonde School for the Arts, as well as Lassonde's previous position as the Chair of the board of the Canada Council for the Arts.  

The artist gratefully acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, without which this project would not be possible. 


The Paydirt Seminars will take place over zoom throughout the duration of the exhibition. These seminars will address different aspects of the exchanges between art, resource extraction, and philanthropy. For a schedule and timetable, click here.

About the artist

Joshua Schwebel (he / him) is a Canadian artist currently living in Berlin. His work takes the form of installations, interventions, redistributive transactions, and publications. His work has been exhibited across Canada, most recently at the Justina M. Barnicke Gallery, Musée d'Art Contemporain de Joliette, L'Oeil de Poisson, Galerie UQO, and CLARK gallery, as well as internationally at Kreuzberg Pavillon, Berlin, La Galerie Noisy-le-Sec, Paris, among others. He was long-listed for the Sobey Art Award in 2022. 

Image: An AI-generated image of a goldmine in the style of Maurice Cullen, based on a landscape painting in the collection of Pierre Lassonde, painted by a student in the Pierre Lassonde School for the Arts who prefers to be unnamed. 



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