Living is Easy is a professional development program for Struts Gallery Members. Participating artists are invited to use gallery space to stage or document work, install an exhibit, or generally experiment with their work in the space.
Exhibition dates: August 3rd - 14th

Song For Sean; A Grief Journey
"Song For Sean; A Grief Journey" is a 12-piece exhibit examining the artist's experience coping with complicated and disenfranchised grief after losing a friend. Each ink and watercolor piece documents a different stage or realization during the grieving process. This series of images uses symbolism from both dream and meditation to examine loss, love and mortality. Overall, the series invites the viewer to reflect on the long-term impact love leaves on a single life. Will you too leave a legacy of love? Grief manifests differently from one person to another and this exhibit is a window into one person's unique grief experience.
Cheyenne Kean-Lemery was born in Moncton, New Brunswick and raised in northern Alberta, Canada. She is a mixed media artist who primarily works with ink and watercolors. She often uses self-portraits and depictions of nature and anatomy to convey emotions and experiences related to love, mental health, death, grief and mortality. Cheyenne seeks to capture how the human experience feels rather than how it appears and uses symbolism derived from dream and meditation. Her intention is to generate thought and conversation on difficult topics. Her work has been exhibited in solo, group and online shows in Canada and the United States. Original works have been purchased by collectors in New Brunswick, Alberta, Ontario and New York. She now resides on the east coast of Canada.
Want to participate in programs like this in the future? Become a Struts Gallery Member! Available online here.