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Call for Participation | Sappyfest for Dummies

Updated: Jul 25, 2024

Make a life-sized seated dummy of YOURSELF or a friend to be exhibited as part of Sappyfest for Dummies, August 2-4, 2024.

Sappyfest For Dummies is a community craft project guided by local artists Shary Boyle, Steven Lambke and Graeme Patterson to encourage inclusive participation in small town life, through fun, imagination, and craft. You do not have to like Sappyfest, be an artist, or even think you’re creative to join in! We want to see how many dummies we can get all in one place to represent our multifaceted community. No dummy is a bad dummy!

How to participate:


Before August 1, make your life sized dummy. Dummies will be displayed seated in a theatre, so focus on the upper part of body most visible in a seat.


Two options:

A) Drop off your dummies at Struts Gallery between July 23 - Thursday, August 1 during regular gallery hours.

B) Drop off your dummies at Mount Allison Library 3rd floor Library Theatre, 49 York St. in Sackville, New Brunswick Friday, August 2 between 10am - noon. There will be signs to find the theatre in the library lobby, or ask at the front desk. You will choose your theatre seat and be assisted in setting up your dummy.


Pick up your dummy at Struts on Sunday, August 4 after 5pm!

Don't know how to make a dummy? Need guidance?

Learn how to make a dummy at our two free workshops facilitated by artists Shary Boyle and Graeme Patterson.

GET INSPIRED: Thursday, June 6, 6 - 7:30 pm

HANDS ON DUMMY MAKING: Thursday, June 27, 6 - 8:30 pm

Kids under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Walk-ins welcome.

To register for workshops email: with subject line “sappyfest for dummies” or phone Struts Gallery at (506) 536-1211. Walk-ins are also welcome.


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