Call for work
Struts Gallery Holiday Members Show
Drop off work between November 26-29
All Struts Gallery members are invited to include work in the Annual Holiday Members' Show & Sale on display December 6-20, 2024.
Works can be any size or media, though smaller works areencouraged
There is no limit to the number of works, although we may not be able to accommodate all of it
Works can be for sale or not. If you choose to sell your work, you can also choose to donate a percentage of the sale back to Struts inexchange for a charitable tax receipt.
Works should arrive ready to install
To include video works in a looping compilation please send files to Simone: admin@strutsgallery.ca
Works can be dropped off between November 26 and 29, from 10am- 5pm. If this time frame doesn't work for you, contact us to make other arrangements.
Please fill out this form in advance. It helps us keep track of your work and make sure you get paid.