Living is Easy is a professional development program for Struts Gallery Members. Participating artists are invited to use gallery space to stage or document work, install an exhibit, or generally experiment with their work in the space.
Exhibition dates: September 14th - 25th
Annie France Noël
Partum is a new component of a larger body of work entitled Les Baby Blues by queer Acadian artist Annie France Noël. Inspired by their own experiences, recent works by Noël seek to deconstruct the difficult, hidden and ambivalent emotions surrounding parenthood through self-portraiture, staging and data processing. While their last series, Nutri, offered a look at the obsession and grief of failing to breastfeed their baby, Partum is an attempt to understand the traumas experienced during childbirth. Working mainly with the digital photographic medium, various destructive interventions on the physical print bring attention to what is unseen, hidden and lost.
Want to participate in programs like this in the future? Become a Struts Gallery Member! Available online here.
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